Friday 3 December 2010


A Car:
Females: A car may be gendered for a female consumer by showing the car being used to drop the kids off at school, or showing the car being used as the women is shopping or out with her friends.
Males: A car may be gendered for a male consumer by showing the car with a man in a business suit or maybe if the advert shows the car driving fast.

Bottled Beer:
Females: Bottled beer may be gendered for a female consumer by showing women out on a girly night all dressed up and there all drinking the beer and having fun.
Males: Bottled beer may be gendered for a male consumer by showing men in suits drinking it.

Mobile phone:
Females: A mobile phone may be gendered for a female consumer by showing the woman having a chat with her mother or friends on the phone.
Males: A mobile phone mat be gendered for a male consumer by showing the man talking with his work colleagues.

Females: Deodorant may be gendered for a female consumer by showing the women spraying herself with the deodorant and her friends all around her.
Males:  Deodorant may be gendered for a male consumer by showing the man spraying himself with deodorant.

Females: Trainers may be gendered for a female consumer by showing a women walking in them with her mum or her children.
Males: Trainers may be gendered for a male consumer by showing a man playing football or being sporty.

Representations in advertising

Female stereotypes in advertising

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Analysis of stereotypes in adverts

I think this is a positive representation of men, because usually Ariel adverts are aimed at women but this is aimed at men to look after the child and wash the clothes.
I don’t think there is a stereotype being reinforced in this advert.
I think that this advert is challenging the stereotype because I feel that the advert is trying to change the view that women should be doing everything and its saying that men can be involved in the housework and childcare.
They have used a sensitive image for men to portray the image of the product being for sensitive skin.

Introduction to advertising questions

What is the purpose of advertising?
The purpose of advertising is to make the audience to buy the product.

Name 3 recent advertising campaigns that have your grabbed your attention. What in particular interested you?
The diet coke advert caught my attention because the song was good and the advert made me think that if I bought diet coke I would be more energetic.
The snickers advert caught my attention because it was funny the way the man kept coming whenever the other man was scared of something.
The Cadburys advert caught my attention because it was funny.
Did you purchase the product? If not, have you ever bought a product because you have seen the advert?
I have bought make-up after seeing the adverts.

Analysing Print Advert

1.       This product is a perfume. They used a close up of the model. I think they used a close up to show how pretty she is. It’s a close up of the model and she is promoting a nice lifestyle because she looks healthy. The camera shot is a mid-shot. She has a direct mode of address as she is looking straight at the audience.   I think this advert fulfils areas of Maslow’s needs such as Need for prominence. A model was used to represent the perfume. They chose a woman with beauty so that we think the product has beauty.

1.       The logo is quiet big and the perfume is also in the advert, the advert looks very glitz and glam so this is how I think the product is being sold.
2.       The setting for this product is very plain and simple yet still very pretty. The lighting just captures her facial features which gives beauty and makes us want to buy the product because the model is beautiful. The costume is pretty.
3.       The colour pink is dominant throughout the advert, I think this is because pink is a feminine and soft colour, it’s also beautiful.
4.       The lighting looks natural but we know it’s not because it’s mostly focused on her face to emphasise her beauty.
5.       The text on the advert is in italics which gives the advert a feminine look because italics are usually associated with women, I think the target audience for this product is for 25 and over women. I think this perfume is for sophisticated and mature women.